Bayes’ Theorem

The tips of the sunset’s orange light begin caressing the beach sand, with a soft mist in tow. The mist grows denser, soon enveloping the shoreline and adjacent palm trees. A dark shadow rises, growing larger and larger, as if something were approaching the shore, however it is impossible to judge the distance due to

100 Prisoners

The logic problem goes as follows: ” There are one hundred prisoners, each numbered one through one hundred. In an adjacent room, there are 100 boxes, also numbered one through one hundred. Each box holds a slip of paper, also numbered one through one hundred however each slip of paper is randomly inserted into each

Grow A Plant 2

日本語の場合は、上隅にある旗をクリックして「日本語」を選択します。 Part two of this Plant growing blog will focus on adding flowers to the stems that we learned how to grow in part 1. There are a few sections, the first focuses on colors, the second deals with how and where the flowers will actually be growing. Then we look at the varieties of flowers available in

Grow a Plant

日本語の場合は、上隅にある旗をクリックして「日本語」を選択します Think of this as something like a gardening simulator in Excel. Using random numbers we will grow a plant from a flower pot on a sheet. This will cover a variety of Excel topics including the proper VBA syntax for: RGB colors, cell borders, color gradients, random number generators, and there will also be some data

Maze Madness

In this post we are going to build a maze solver in Excel using VBA, to do this we will simulate a little person walking through a maze, they will be practicing the “right-hand rule,” that is, you can successfully escape any maze by placing your right hand (or left I suppose, as long as