Bayes’ Theorem

The tips of the sunset’s orange light begin caressing the beach sand, with a soft mist in tow. The mist grows denser, soon enveloping the shoreline and adjacent palm trees. A dark shadow rises, growing larger and larger, as if something were approaching the shore, however it is impossible to judge the distance due to

100 Prisoners

The logic problem goes as follows: ” There are one hundred prisoners, each numbered one through one hundred. In an adjacent room, there are 100 boxes, also numbered one through one hundred. Each box holds a slip of paper, also numbered one through one hundred however each slip of paper is randomly inserted into each


All things will begin with the sigmoid function. Or rather a sigmoid function, as it is a generic term. But it is a function that is bounded between 0 and 1 and is therefore really useful to model binary probability, because an event either happens or doesn’t: you live or die, win or lose, get

The Josephus Problem

This time we’re looking at something called the Josephus problem. As far as I can tell this is based off of an actual event in history or is at least attributed to a historical figure, Titus Flavius Josephus. Here is the basic set up: Josephus and 40 other of his fellow Jewish soldiers are surrounded and will


Everything in this blog post will be about those uniquely fascinating numbers known as prime numbers. I will be explaining how to build something known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes, which I will explain in detail later. The sieve will be able to spit out all the prime numbers between 2 and an arbitrarily large number of